NK India

Supervision Consultancy Services for 4 Laning of Patna-Gaya-Dhobi section of NH-83 in the State of Bihar under Japanese ODA Loans

Patna-Gaya-Dhobi NH-83

Client: National Highways Authority of India

Period: 2015 – 2019

Country: India

Services: CS

Status: Completed Project

Consortium of Consulting Engineers Group (CEG) & Nippon Koei India Ltd. (NKI) have been awarded the Supervision
Consulting Services for 4 laning of Patna-Gaya-Dobhi Section of National Highway (NH)-83, in the state of Bihar. CEG is
the Lead partner of the project. National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), a Ministry of Road Transport Highways
(MoRTH) body, is counterpart/client of the project. The construction of the road is being done by IL & FS Engineering and
Construction Company Limited.
The project basically comprises up-gradation and construction of a 4 lane highway with flexible pavement, flexible overlay
on the existing two lane pavement, construction of bridges and culvert, construction of high embankment /elevated
structures etc.
The project takes off from NH-30 at Patna and ends at junction of NH-83 and NH-2 (Golden Quadrilateral) at Dobhi. The
project will connect Patna-Gaya-Dobhi as a part of the Buddhist Circuit. The project also serves as link road for the world
class international Nalanda University which is expected to come up at Rajgir.
The road covered in the project will be 127.20km, with total capital cost of Rs 2,015.60 crore. It includes the cost of civil
construction, supervision works, land acquisition, rehabilitation and pre-construction activities. NKI component is form 39
km (near Jahanabad) to 83 km (near Gaya). The project will be completed within three years with additional defect liability
period of one year. JICA is providing 100% financing for civil construction and supervision work of the project. Amount of
Loan Agreement is 22903 Million Japanese Yen.